GP practice
registered patient catchments

The map shows GP practice locations in England and relative sizes of their registered patient populations.

There are two modes: when 'GP practice' mode is selected, hovering over a GP practice will display its registered patient catchment and any associated practice locations; in 'Patient area' mode, hovering over any area on the map will display the practices with which the patients in that area are registered. Clicking in either mode will 'freeze' the selection until the next click.

When a practice is highlighted orange areas indicate the percentage of the practice's patients that live within each area. At higher zoom level the number of patients in each area is visible. Associated practice locations, if available, are highlighted and linked with an orange dotted line. This panel displays the age profile of the registered patients.
When the area below the cursor is highlighted orange lines indicate the percentage of the areas population that are registered with the highlighted practices.

Data: Numbers of Patients Registered at a GP Practice: July '16.
NHS Digital:

Control: use the scrollwheel to zoom, right- or control-click to rotate and pitch.

Use the search panel below to quickly focus the map on a specific location.